La liste ci-dessous recense les écrits et les collaborations à de la documentation scientifique ou académique par des membres de la communauté universitaire de l’UQAC au cours du mois de mai 2021.
Votre ouvrage a été publié au cours du dernier mois, mais ne se retrouve pas dans la liste? Partagez-le avec nous par courriel à
Arts, lettres et du langage
- Pépin, A., & Gagnon, O. (2021). La macrostructure comme critère d’évaluation de la qualité de notes prises par des étudiants universitaires dans les modes manuscrit et numérique. Lidil, (63). Repéré à
- Pépin, A., Giroux, P., & Gagnon, O. (2021). Aider les apprenantes et les apprenants à prendre de meilleures notes. Revue hybride de l’éducation, 4(5), 216-227. doi: 10.1522/rhe.v4i5.1139
Informatique et mathématiques
- Attard, V., Dion, J., Bergeron-Leclerc, C., Tremblay, V., Hébert, M., & De La Sablonnière-Griffin, M. (2021). Prévenir les violences sexuelles en milieu autochtone : Retour sur la formation au Programme Lanterne|Awacic. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience (IJCAR), 8(1).
- Azerine, A., Boudhar, M., & Rebaine, D. (2021). A two-machine no-wait flow shop problem with two competing agents. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization. Repéré à
- Maitre, J., Bouchard, K., & Gaboury, S. (2021). Alternative deep learning architectures for feature-level fusion in human activity recognition.Mobile Networks and Applications. Repéré à
- Maitre, J., Rendu, C., Bouchard, K., Bouchard, B., & Gaboury, S. (2021). Object recognition in performed basic daily activities with a handcrafted data glove prototype. Pattern Recognition Letters, 147, 181-188. doi: 10.1016/j.patrec.2021.04.017
- Xie, K., & Hallé, S. (2021). Offline monitoring of LTL with bit vectors. Dans Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (pp. 1833-1836). New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery. Repéré à
Sciences appliquées
- Ahmed, I., Jeon, G., Chehri, A., & Hassan, M. M. (2021). Adapting Gaussian YOLOv3 with transfer learning for overhead view human detection in smart cities and societies. Sustainable Cities and Society, 70. Repéré à
- Amrani, S., Kocaefe, D., Kocaefe, Y., Bhattacharyay, D., Bouazara, M., & Côté, J. (2021). Study on the cracking of carbon anodes used in aluminium industry. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. Repéré à
- Azimi Yancheshme, A., Hassantabar, S., Maghsoudi, K., Keshavarzi, S., Jafari, R., & Momen, G. (2021). Integration of experimental analysis and machine learning to predict drop behavior on superhydrophobic surfaces. Chemical Engineering Journal, 417. Repéré à
- Dodoo-Arhin, D., Mbu, E. E., Ntwampe, S. K., Malenga, E. N., Fosso-Kankeu, E., Agyei-Tuffour, B., … Agbe, H. (2021). Synthesis of nanostructured cupric oxide for visible light assisted degradation of organic wastewater pollutants. Cogent Engineering, 8(1). Repéré à
- Li, S., Snaiki, R., & Wu, T. (2021). A knowledge-enhanced deep reinforcement learning-based shape optimizer for aerodynamic mitigation of wind-sensitive structures. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. Repéré à
- Mei, H., Jiang, H., Yin, F., Wang, L., & Farzaneh, M. (2021). Terahertz imaging method for composite insulator defects based on edge detection algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70. Repéré à
- Noormohammed, S., & Sarkar, D. K. (2021). Rf-sputtered teflon-modified superhydrophobic nanostructured titanium dioxide coating on aluminum alloy for icephobic applications. Coatings, 11(4). Repéré à
- Salsabili, M., Saeidi, A., Rouleau, A., & Nastev, M. (2021). 3D probabilistic modelling and uncertainty analysis of glacial and post-glacial deposits of the city of Saguenay, Canada. Geosciences, 11(5). Repéré à
- Samad, A., Villeneuve, E., Blackburn, C., Morency, F., & Volat, C. (2021). An experimental investigation of the convective heat transfer on a small helicopter rotor with anti-icing and de-icing test setups. Aerospace, 8(4). Repéré à
- Sanjeeva Reddy, B. R., Darimireddy, N. K., Park, C.-W., & Chehri, A. (2021). Performance of reconfigurable antenna fabricated on flexible and nonflexible materials for band switching applications. Energies, 14(9). Repéré à
- Senoussaoui, M. E., Brahami, M., & Fofana, I. (2021). Transformer oil quality assessment using random forest with feature engineering. Energies, 14(7). Repéré à
- Slalmi, A., Chaibi, H., Saadane, R., Chehri, A., Jeon, G., & Kharraz Aroussi, H. (2021). Energy-efficient and self-organizing Internet of Things networks for soil monitoring in smart farming. Computers and Electrical Engineering, 92. Repéré à
- Suassuna de Andrade Ferreira, R., Picher, P., Ezzaidi, H., & Fofana, I. (2021). Frequency response analysis interpretation using numerical indices and machine learning: a case study based on a laboratory model. IEEE Access, (9), 67051-67063. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3076154
- Yang, S. H., Maier, W. D., Godel, B., Barnes, S. J., Hanski, E., & O’Brien, H. (2020). Erratum: Parental magma composition of the main zone of the bushveld complex: Evidence from in situ LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis of silicate minerals in the cumulate rocks (Journal of Petrology (2019) 60:2 (359-392) DOI: 10.1093/petrology/egy115). Journal of Petrology, 61(11-12). Repéré à 10.1093/petrology/egaa110
- Hedir, A., Lamrous, O., Fofana, I., Slimani, F., & Moudoud, M. (2021). Critical issues in XLPE-based polymer nanocomposites and their blends. Dans J. Thomas, S. Thomas, & Z. Ahmad (Éds.), Crosslinkable Polyethylene Based Blends and Nanocomposites (pp. 63-83). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
Sciences de l’éducation
- Aurousseau, E., Couture, C., Pulido, L., Jacob, É., Lavoie, C., Duquette, C., Bizot, D., Pacmogda. P. & Blouin, L. (2021). Un modèle inspirant pour soutenir la réussite d’élèves autochtones en milieu urbain : le projet Petapan. Éducation et francophonie, 49(1), 71-94. doi:
- Gagné, A., Cody, N., Coulombe, S., Doucet, M., & Nadeau-Tremblay, S. (2021). Favoriser les liens cours-stages : défis et savoirs émergeant de discussions entre stagiaires et acteurs des milieux scolaire et universitaire dans le cadre d’un dispositif de coformation intermodulaire en enseignement. Revue hybride de l’éducation, 4(5), 165-186. doi:
- Pépin, A., Giroux, P., & Gagnon, O. (2021). Aider les apprenantes et les apprenants à prendre de meilleures notes. Revue hybride de l’éducation, 4(5), 216-227. doi:
Sciences fondamentales
- Chavardes, R. D., Gennaretti, F., Grondin, P., Cavard, X., Morin, H., & Bergeron, Y. (2021). Role of mixed-species stands in attenuating the vulnerability of boreal forests to climate change and insect epidemics. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.658880
- Cloutier, M., Prevost, M. J., Lavoie, S., Feroldi, T., Piochon, M., Groleau, Legault, J., M. C., … Gauthier, C. (2021). Total synthesis, isolation, surfactant properties, and biological evaluation of ananatosides and related macrodilactone-containing rhamnolipids. Chemical Science, 14. Repéré à
- Hallworth, M. T., Bayne, E., McKinnon, E., Love, O., Tremblay, J. A., Drolet, B., Ibarzabal, J.,… Marra, P. P. (2021). Habitat loss on the breeding grounds is a major contributor to population declines in a long-distance migratory songbird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288(1949). Repéré à
- Lavoie, J., Montoro Girona, M., Grosbois, G., & Morin, H. (2021). Does the type of silvicultural practice influence spruce budworm defoliation of seedlings? Ecosphere, 12(4). doi: 10.1002/ecs2.3506
- Lavoie, S., Pierra, J., Legault, J., Raminoson, D., Lion, Q., Mshvildadze, V., & Pichette, A. (2021). Isolation and characterization of triterpenoid saponins from leaves of Aralia nudicaulis L. Phytochemistry Letters, 43, 184-189. doi: 10.1016/j.phytol.2021.04.004
- Marouani, E., Zarai, B., Boudabbous, K., Benzina, N. K., Ziadi, N., Zoghlami, R. I., … Koubaa, A. (2021). Short-term effects of biosolid application on two mediterranean agricultural soils and durum wheat yield. Agronomy-Basel, 11(4). Repéré à
- Martin, M., Raymond, P., & Boucher, Y. (2021). Influence of individual tree characteristics, spatial structure and logging history on tree-related microhabitat occurrence in North American hardwood forests. Forest Ecosystems, 8(1). Repéré à
- Nadaraia, N. S., Kakhabrishvili, M. L., Barbakadze, N. N., Mshvildadze, V. D., Mulkidzhanyan, K. G., & Pichette, A. (2021). Synthesis and cytotoxic activity of 5 alpha-pregnanolone hydrazones. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 57(2), 395-397. doi : 10.1007/s10600-021-03370-6
- Roussel, M. P., Fiset, M. M., Gauthier, L., Lavoie, C., McNicoll, E., Pouliot, L., … Duchesne, E. (2021). Assessment of muscular strength and functional capacity in the juvenile and adult myotonic dystrophy type 1 population: a 3-year follow-up study. Journal of Neurology, 17. Repéré à
- Tremblay, K., Rousseau, S., Zawati, M. n. H., Auld, D., Chassé, M., Coderre, D., Laprise, C., … Mooser, V. (2021). The Biobanque québécoise de la COVID-19 (BQC19)-A cohort to prospectively study the clinical and biological determinants of COVID-19 clinical trajectories. PloS one, 16(5). Repéré à
- Wolking, S., Moreau, C., McCormack, M., Krause, R., Krenn, M., Berkovic, S., Girard, Simon L., … Cossette, P. (2021). Assessing the role of rare genetic variants in drug-resistant, non-lesional focal epilepsy. Annals of clinical and translational neurology. Repéré à
- Walter, J., Rouleau, A., Daigneault, R., Chesnaux, R., Lambert, M., Ferroud, A., & Bilodeau, P.-L. (2020). Projet ARIM’eau : rapport d’activités. Chicoutimi, QC: Centre d’études sur les ressources minérales, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.
Sciences humaines et sociales
- Attard, V., Dion, J., Bergeron-Leclerc, C., Tremblay, V., Hébert, M., & De La Sablonnière-Griffin, M. (2021). Prévenir les violences sexuelles en milieu autochtone : Retour sur la formation au Programme Lanterne|Awacic. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience (IJCAR), 8(1).
- Aurousseau, E., Couture, C., Pulido, L., Jacob, É., Lavoie, C., Duquette, C., Bizot, D., Pacmogda, P., & Blouin, L. (2021). Un modèle inspirant pour soutenir la réussite d’élèves autochtones en milieu urbain : le projet Petapanv. Éducation et francophonie, 49(1), 71-94. doi: 10.7202/1077002ar
- Dubé, M. (2021). Women in traditionally male professions. Recherches Sociographiques, 61(1), 207-209.
- Mansour, A., Maltais, D., & Cook, M. (2021). Les conditions favorables à la persévérance scolaire chez des étudiantes et étudiants autochtones de la communauté d’Essipit. Éducation et francophonie, 49(1), 95-111. doi: 10.7202/1077003ar
- Proulx, M. U., & Bouchard, P. L. (2021). Higher education and regional innovation systems in Quebec. Recherches Sociographiques, 61(1), 31-55.
- Rocheleau, J., & Pouliot, E. (2021). Un concept infopédagogique innovant pour soutenir la motivation des étudiantes autochtones dans leurs études universitaires. Éducation et francophonie, 49(1), 170-190. doi: 10.7202/1077007ar
Sciences de la santé
- Attard, V., Dion, J., Bergeron-Leclerc, C., Tremblay, V., Hébert, M., & De La Sablonnière-Griffin, M. (2021). Prévenir les violences sexuelles en milieu autochtone : Retour sur la formation au Programme Lanterne|Awacic. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience (IJCAR), 8(1).
- Brandão, G. S., Brandão, G. S., Sampaio, A. A. C., Andrade, L. D., Fonseca, A. L., Campos, F. K. R., da Silva, R. A., … Oliveira, L. V. F. (2021). Home physical exercise improves functional mobility and quality of life in elderly. A CONSORT-prospective, randomized controlled clinical trial. International journal of clinical practice. Repéré à
- Dugas, M.-O., Simard, L., Chevrette, T., & Lavallière, M. (2021). Is the ACSM and friend metabolic equations valid for assessing cardiorespiratory fitness among 18-34 aged men?: preliminary results. Topics in Exercise Science & Kinesiology.
- Kadri, M. A., Violette, M., Dallaire, M., de Oliveira, F. C. L., Lavallière, M., Ngomo, S., … da Silva, R. A. (2020). The immediate effect of two lumbar stabilization methods on postural control parameters and their reliability during two balance tasks. Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy. Repéré à
- Nowotny, A. H., Calderon, M. G., Alves, B. M. O., de Oliveira, M. R., Andraus, R. A. D., Aguiar, A. F., … da Silva, R. A. (2021). Low-back pain and knee position-related differences on postural control measures during a one-legged stance in athletes. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 30(4), 631-637. doi: 10.1123/jsr.2020-0095
- Roussel, M. P., Fiset, M. M., Gauthier, L., Lavoie, C., McNicoll, E., Pouliot, L., … Duchesne, E. (2021). Assessment of muscular strength and functional capacity in the juvenile and adult myotonic dystrophy type 1 population: a 3-year follow-up study. Journal of Neurology, 17. Repéré à