Arts et lettres
Del Fa, S., & Vàsquez, C. (2019). Existing through differantiation: A derridean approach to alternative organizations. Management (France), 22(4), 559-583.
Informatique et mathématiques
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- Benkalai, I., Rebaine, D., & Baptiste, P. (2019, 28-30 August ). On the impact of the number of operators in a flow shop environment. Communication présentée au 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, MIM 2019, Berlin, Germany. Repéré à
- Roudjane, M., Rebaine, D., Khoury, R., & Halle, S. (2019, october 28-31). Predictive analytics for event stream processing. Communication présentée au Proceedings – 2019 IEEE 23rd International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, EDOC 2019, Paris, France. Repéré à
Sciences appliquées
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- Loiselle, L., Mohan Rao, U., & Fofana, I. (2020). Influence of aging on oil degradation and gassing tendency for mineral oil and synthetic ester under low energy discharge electrical faults. Energies, 13(3), 595. doi:10.3390/en13030595
- Mansur, E. T., & Barnes, S. J. (2020). Concentrations of Te, As, Bi, Sb and Se in the Marginal Zone of the Bushveld Complex: Evidence for crustal contamination and the nature of the magma that formed the Merensky Reef. Lithos, 358-359. Repéré à
- Mansur, E. T., & Barnes, S. J. (2020). The role of Te, As, Bi, Sn and Sb during the formation of platinum-group-element reef deposits: Examples from the Bushveld and Stillwater Complexes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 272, 235-258. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2020.01.008
- Rakhmonov, J., Liu, K., Pan, L., Breton, F., & Chen, X. G. (2020). Enhanced mechanical properties of high-temperature-resistant Al–Cu cast alloy by microalloying with Mg. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 827. Repéré à
- Youssef, K., & Otis, M. J. D. (2020). Reconfigurable fully constrained cable driven parallel mechanism for avoiding interference between cables. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 148. Repéré à
Bédard, F., Fiset, M., Bastien, J., & Mitchell, D. (2019, 15-17 July). Shear strengthening of thick concrete slabs accounting for loading during strengthening. Communication présentée au Fifth International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT5), London, United Kingdom.
Sciences fondamentales
- Harding, T., Milot, E., Moreau, C., Lefebvre, J.-F., Bournival, J.-S., Vézina, H., … Labuda, D. (2020). Historical human remains identification through maternal and paternal genetic signatures in a founder population with extensive genealogical record. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology. Repéré à
- Klisz, M., Buttò, V., Rossi, S., Morin, H., & Jastrzębowski, S. (2020). Intra-annual stem size variations converge across marginal populations of European beech. Trees – Structure and Function, 34(1), 255-265. doi: 10.1007/s00468-019-01915-5
- Martin, M., Boucher, Y., Fenton, N. J., Marchand, P., & Morin, H. (2020). Forest management has reduced the structural diversity of residual boreal old-growth forest landscapes in Eastern Canada. Forest Ecology and Management, 458. Repéré à
- Martin, M., Fenton, N. J., & Morin, H. (2020). Boreal old-growth forest structural diversity challenges aerial photographic survey accuracy. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 50(2), 155-169. doi: 10.1139/cjfr-2019-0177
- Martin, M., Krause, C., Fenton, N. J., & Morin, H. (2020). Unveiling the diversity of tree growth patterns in boreal old-growth forests reveals the richness of their dynamics. Forests, 11(3), 1-18. doi: 10.3390/f11030252
- Rapp, J. M., Lutz, D. A., Huish, R. D., Dufour, B., Ahmed, S., Lyn Morelli, T., & Stinson, K. A. (2020). Sugar maple responses to climate change: We’ll boil it down for you. Forest Ecology and Management, 458. Repéré à
Sciences humaines et sociales
- Bergeron-Leclerc, C., & Simard, È. (2019). Repenser l’accompagnement des stagiaires en travail social en situation de handicap. Phronésis, 8(1-2), 96-110. doi: 10.7202/1066587ar
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- Généreux, M., Roy, M., O’Sullivan, T., & Maltais, D. (2020). A Salutogenic Approach to Disaster Recovery: The Case of the Lac-Mégantic Rail Disaster. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 17(5), 1463. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17051463
Sciences de la santé
- Arthur Lafond, J.-S., Abdelhafid Kadri, M., Lapointe, P., Bouchard, K., Gaboury, S., A. da Silva Jr, R., & Beaulieu, L.-D. (2019). Validation d’une plateforme vibratoire portative et peu coûteuse permettant d’évaluer la contribution des mécanorécepteurs cutanés sur le contrôle postural. Neurophysiologie Clinique, 49(6), 456. doi: 10.1016/j.neucli.2019.10.135
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- da Rocha Heras, A. C. T., de Oliveira, D. M. S., Guskuma, M. H., de Araújo, M. C., Fernandes, K. B. P., da Silva Junior, R. A., … Fernandes, T. M. F. (2020). Kinesio taping use to reduce pain and edema after third molar extraction surgery: A randomized controlled split-mouth study. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, 48(2), 127-131. doi: 10.1016/j.jcms.2019.12.003
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- Estoche, J. M., Jacinto, J. L., Roveratti, M. C., Gabardo, J. M., Buzzachera, C. F., de Oliveira, E. P., da Silva, R. A. … Aguiar, A. F. (2019). Branched-chain amino acids do not improve muscle recovery from resistance exercise in untrained young adults. Amino Acids, 51(9), 1387-1395. doi: 10.1007/s00726-019-02776-5
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